Privacy Policy


Welcome to the United Digitizing website.By accessing this website, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below please do not use this website. United Digitizing reserves the right to revise these terms & conditions. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions.


All information on the website is subject to change or revise without any prior notice or advertisement on United Digitizing' website.


United Digitizing will its best to provide exact and timely orders.

However, final responsibility is on the buyer and United Digitizing will not be responsible for any consequential damages arising out of delay or inaccuracy.


This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to United Digitizing.

This material includes, but is not limited to, the text, design, layout, appearance, photographs and graphics.

Reproduction of part or parts thereof is prohibited.


All information and material on the website, including text, graphics and links, as well as products and sevices contained in or offered through the website are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. United Digitizing does not permit that this site or its contents will be complete, perfect, uninterrupted, and secure or error free or that the site or the servers used will be free of viruses.


United Digitizing will bill the customer after order the order has been completed and delivered. Orders will be billed as quoted price or, if quote not requested by customer, based on graphic's complesity as mentioned below. All prices for special packages advertised on this website. Special pricing may be given for volume orders. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover as payments. If terms are needed, please contact us at


Vector art pricing $15-$100 based on graphic's complexity. All prices for special package advertised on this website. Contact us for special volume discounts.


United Digitizing offers an unconditional, 15 business day money back guarantee if customer is not satisfied.

Order Delivery:

All orders placed at United Digitizing will be delivered via email or uploaded on the United Digitizing' website.

What personal information Do we Collect?

Information you provide. We receive and store information you enter. As you decide to register to send inquiries or order requests we need the following information. Contact Name, Company Name, Email, Phone No, Details about design or general inquiries requested.

How Do We Use Information?

United Digitizing require these information mainly for: processing your orders or replying back to you inquiries or concerns internal record keeping. We may also use the information to improve our website, products and services. From time to time, we may also use your contact information to provide you with promotional emails as well as information and offers about our products and services. Disclosed of Personal Information

United Digitizing does not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless are required by law to do so.We do use third parties to maintain and store your personal information and to process your payments to us. However, these affiliates are not authorized to use your personal information for any reason than providing the requested service.